Re: Fix columns when resizing...

>> Is it possible to avoid that certain columns of a Gtk::Table attached
>> in a Gtk::Dialog resize when this Gtk::Dialog resizes horitzontaly and
>> set them in a fixed width ??
> Check out the EXPAND and FILL attributes when packing widgets into the
> table. If some rows or columns have their contents set to EXPAND and
> others don't then the ones that don't become "fixed" width.

Hmmm ! .... not exactly...

I already use EXPAND and FILL atributes...

I just packing a Gtk::Entry with FILL attribute... but when
Gtk::Dialog resizes, the Gtk:Table columns resize too, and thus
Gtk::Entry resizes, even if I tried to fix the width of Gtk::Entry
with set_width_chars(int)... (it's not very beautiful to see

The other option -I think- would be not using neither EXPAND nor FILL,
but SHRINK... but in this case Gtk::Entry is centered on the cell.


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