Re: overriding rubber band selection color

I think you have to go through the css for this and override the theme properties you are using.
I made this way for a button background:
Note I did insert the answer in the question detailing how to include a css with the overridden property.

On Sun, Jun 17, 2012 at 8:09 PM, ahmet öztürk <bilheps gmail com> wrote:
Hi everybody,

I have recently upgraded the diary program that I have been working on
for quite a few years ( to gtkmm 3. The
process was fairly straightforward. After making several adjustments
here and there, now the program is almost as good as it has ever been.
But, for the following issue I've failed to find any solution on

I used to change background color of an IconView using modify_bg. Now I
have switched to override_background_color() with STATE_FLAG_NORMAL
flag. However, the new function also modifies background color (and
opacity) of the rubber band selection rectangle. Is it possible to
change the background color without touching the rubber band color or to
modify the rubber band color itself?

Thanks in advance,


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