Re: enums that are really just sets of constants

On 23/05/17 08:51, Kjell Ahlstedt wrote:
Den 2017-05-13 kl. 10:04, skrev Kjell Ahlstedt:
Yet another suggestion in

Can we decide what to do with the few enums that we want to be implicitly convertible to int? My suggestion in is

   class ResponseType_Enum final
     enum ResponseType
       NONE = -1,
       REJECT = -2,
       ACCEPT = -3,
     ResponseType_Enum() = delete;
   using ResponseType = ResponseType_Enum::ResponseType;

I tried to make a mixture of a plain (old-style) enum and an enum class. It shall be implicitly convertible to int, and its enumerators shall be scoped. In other respects it shall be possible to use it as if it's an enum, e.g.

   ResponseType r = ResponseType::REJECT;
   int i = r;
but not
   r = REJECT;
   i = REJECT;
and preferably not
   r = i;

Daniel has remarked that _Enum is not a good suffix for a class name. I agree. Can you think of a better suffix? I don't want to call the class /ResponseType/. That would clash with /using ResponseType = .../. If it shall be possible to use /ResponseType/ as if it's the name of an enum, it must be the name of an enum or an alias for a name of an enum. Or are there other possibilities that are not too complicated?

ResponseType_Values maybe?


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