Re: How to unblock bugfix, pipeline failed with unrelated error in gtk

gtkmm team, 

A Docker image can be built with a specific version of gtk. After that,
this image can be used to execute CI job. It will be a pretty quick
build. glib folks use this approach to build against multiple distors. 

The good thing about this approach is that all needed dependencies
explicitely included into the Docker's image. 

The negative side of this approach is that docker images should be
manually built and uploaded. But, scipts can help.

On Wed, 2022-02-16 at 21:17 +0100, Kjell Ahlstedt via gtkmm-list wrote:
Den 2022-02-16 kl. 15:02, skrev Baldvin Kovacs via gtkmm-list:

I'm trying to send a merge request of a bugfix in gtkmm, but the
build pipeline fails with an unrelated error in (or at least it
seems so, the error is pasted to the bottom of this email).

What's the usual way to go about this? Should I notify owners of
Gtk? By what channels? Or is it on me to track it down, get that
fixed first, before I can propose my Gtkmm fix to be considered?


../subprojects/gtk/examples/application3/exampleapp.gresource.xml -
-sourcedir ../subprojects/gtk/examples/application3/. --sourcedir
../subprojects/gtk/examples/application3 --internal --generate --
Failed to close file descriptor for child process (Operation not

The latest gtkmm commits require gtk4 >=4.6.0, but that's not
available from the distro that the CI uses.
Dependency gtk4 found: NO found 4.4.1 but need: '>= 4.6.0'

Gtk is then built as a subproject of gtkmm. The latest patch on gtk's
main branch is used. Today gtk folks have added patches that make
their own CI pipeline fail. For the time being, just accept that the
latest gtk patches don't work. The gtk folks will find out, and fix
it themselves.

Hopefully that latest version of some distro will soon include gtk
4.6.0. Then it won't be built as a subproject.

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gtkmm-list gnome org

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