Python binding and Gnome binding


I've discussed a bit with the python binding team about the biggest
issues with gnome binding rules.
The common feeling is that gnome-python package is ok as it is with
modules from both developer and desktop Gnome.
Again, the configuration only compiles what is detected on the system.
Therefore one doesn't need to install any desktop library to bind the
developer part.

Versions number can be bounced to match the gnome binding rule but will
not be before gnome python is planned in gnome binding.

The API stability and different versions on the same machine are already
able with the pygtk.require We may need to work a bit more on it but it
proved to be working well with maintaining both gtk 1.2 and 2.0

Work will start to include the missing parts since gnome 2.0

I'm not asking inclusion in gnome binding 2.6, I'm just asking if the
above points sounds ok to you or not for later inclusion.

Xavier Ordoquy.

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