Re: Recommended way to handle deprecation?

On 31/03/04 22:50, Andreas Rottmann wrote:


I wonder what the recommended way to handle deprecated API: to wrap or
not to wrap, that's the question here :). How do other bindings handle
this and is there a "recommended way"?
If you remove deprecated interfaces from your binding, then you will break programs written against old versions of your binding. So while I can write a C program today and know that it will work with all future GTK 2.x releases, if I write it against a language binding that doesn't wrap deprecated interfaces, it might break when the next 2.x release comes out.

The best option would be to wrap the function, and emit a deprecation warning if possible (I know Python and Java can do this, and GCC has an extension to do this for C/C++).


Email: james daa com au

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