Re: [Fwd: Language bindings on]

On Mon, 2008-04-07 at 11:42 +0200, Johan Dahlin wrote:
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Language bindings on
> Date: Mon, 07 Apr 2008 16:24:27 +0200
> From: Andreas Nilsson <andreas imendio com>
> To: Gtk+ Developers <gtk-devel-list gnome org>
> Hi all!
> I've done some changes to the bindings page on [1]
> * Removed all the language bindings that were <2.6
> * Added a GNOME Binding column
> This means a lot of (outdated) bindings are no longer present on the
> page. If you happen to be a maintainer of any of the following projects
> that got removed, even though your bindings are indeed up to date,
> please tell me as soon as possible and I'll add them back.

> * Smalltalk (

What defines 'outdated'. The gst bindings aren't outdated AFAIK.

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