Re: marketing-list tiny reorg

Alright, let's finish here the CMS and look'n'feel discussions and let's
move to gnome-web-list the rest of wgo development threads:

- CMS implementation
- Web interface design
- workflow, permissions, servers and etc

ALSO any discussion related to non-wgo subsites

BUT discussion about wgo content (site structure, text, icons, files) is
kept here, since the marketing team is the direct responsible of that. 

In practical terms, this means that the wgo homepage and sections will
be discussed here while all the rest goes to gnome-web-list.

On Wed, 2006-10-25 at 12:31 +0200, Dave Neary wrote:
> But please bring it back here when we start talking about content rather
> than form.

There is *nothing* stopping the tasks related to content. CMS &
look'n'feel will handle the content once they are defined, but we don't
need them to define the pages of each section, write texts, look for

Quim Gil ///

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