2006-October Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
Re: community.gnome.org,
Lee Tambiah
Invitation to Southern California Linux Expo 5x,
Gareth J. Greenaway
LinuxWorld =?ISO-8859-1?Q?K=F6ln?=,
Quim Gil
Re: CMS selected: Plone,
Lee Tambiah
Multilingual CMS (was Re: GNOME Logo Branding Guidelines Concerns),
Henri Bergius
Gnome.org Design Suggestion,
Istanbul (slightly OT) [was Re: Multilingual CMS],
Luis Villa
Re: [Fwd: eZ and Drupal to be dismissed],
Quim Gil
i18n Plone,
Ramon Navarro Bosch
talking about Plone...,
maria soler climent
Ramon Navarro Bosch
Multilingual CMS,
Lee Tambiah
- Message not available
- Message not available
CMS Url's,
Lee Tambiah
GNOME Logo Branding Guidelines Concerns,
GNOME Screenshot Idea,
Baris Cicek
The wgo CMS can't wait more,
Quim Gil
marketing-list tiny reorg,
Quim Gil
GUADEC leaflets,
Andreas Nilsson
Fwd: Linux + DVD magazine request,
Karl Fischer
wgo subsection goals,
Joachim Noreiko
[Fwd: GnomeWeb 2.18 goals],
Quim Gil
- Re: [Fwd: GnomeWeb 2.18 goals],
Jeff Waugh
- Re: [Fwd: GnomeWeb 2.18 goals],
Thilo Pfennig
- Re: [Fwd: GnomeWeb 2.18 goals],
Joachim Noreiko
- Re: [Fwd: GnomeWeb 2.18 goals],
Jeff Waugh
- Re: [Fwd: GnomeWeb 2.18 goals],
Joachim Noreiko
- Re: [Fwd: GnomeWeb 2.18 goals],
Jeff Waugh
- Re: [Fwd: GnomeWeb 2.18 goals],
Joachim Noreiko
- Re: [Fwd: GnomeWeb 2.18 goals],
Jeff Waugh
- Re: [Fwd: GnomeWeb 2.18 goals],
Thilo Pfennig
- Channel interference (was GnomeWeb 2.18 goals),
Joachim Noreiko
- Re: [Fwd: GnomeWeb 2.18 goals],
Olav Vitters
- Re: [Fwd: GnomeWeb 2.18 goals],
Joachim Noreiko
- Re: [Fwd: GnomeWeb 2.18 goals],
Claus Schwarm
- Re: [Fwd: GnomeWeb 2.18 goals],
Quim Gil
- projects.gnome.org (was Re: [Fwd: GnomeWeb 2.18 goals]),
Quim Gil
- support.gnome.org (was Re: [Fwd: GnomeWeb 2.18 goals]),
Quim Gil
- community.gnome.org (was Re: [Fwd: GnomeWeb 2.18 goals]),
Quim Gil
Re: Wow - look at the KDE news volume,
Thilo Pfennig
Because you have better stuff to do than fixing your computer,
Andreas Nilsson
Updated "Why choose GNOME" leaflet,
Thomas Wood
Re: GnomeWeb 2.18 release cycle,
Quim Gil
GNOME store,
Quim Gil
- Re: GNOME store,
Dave Neary
- Re: GNOME store,
Quim Gil
- Re: GNOME store,
Quim Gil
- Re: GNOME store,
Quim Gil
- Re: GNOME store,
Dave Neary
- Re: GNOME store,
Thilo Pfennig
- Re: GNOME store,
Quim Gil
- Re: GNOME store,
Dave Neary
- Re: GNOME store,
Quim Gil
- Re: GNOME store,
Dave Neary
- Re: GNOME store,
Jeff Waugh
- Re: GNOME store,
Quim Gil
- Re: GNOME store,
Dave Neary
Boston Summit news,
Quim Gil
Release notes and "latest news" section of gnome homepage,
JP Liska
Re: CMS Progress,
Quim Gil
Thilo Pfennig
personas updated (kind of),
Gezim Hoxha
www.gnome.org Planning 2.16.1,
Quim Gil
Re: [Fwd: XHTML 1.1 or 1.0?],
Sigurd Gartmann
Mail converted by MHonArc