Re: [Nautilus-list] Nautilus 1.0.3 (possibly 1.2?)

Em 22 Apr 2001 09:35:43 -0700, Darin Adler escreveu:
> on 4/21/01 11:58 PM, Josh Barrow at josh whitecape org wrote:
> > I propose that we call Nautilus 1.0.3, Nautilus 1.2.  I feel that all of
> > these changes warrant the upped version number.  If these changes don't
> > warrant it, what would?
> I have three thoughts:
>     1) We originally planned to call this release Nautilus 1.2, then I
> backed off to 1.0.2 when I decided that it was better to not claim this was
> a major upgrade. "Under-promise, over-deliver" is a good motto.
>     2) It would be fine with me if we want to change our minds as a team,
> and call it 1.2, but I'm not sure how to make the decision. Hearing opinions
> here on the mailing list is OK, but I'm not certain that's enough to make an
> informed choice.
>     3) I don't think any of these changes constitute major features. They
> feel more like tuning to me, with a few small features. A major feature for
> me would be something that makes a significant change in day-to-day use for
> an average user who isn't doing anything fancy. But I don't think it's worth
> arguing this point. Everyone has their own threshold for what they think are
> major features.
> I think I've heard enough "pro" arguments for calling it 1.2. Any "con"
> arguments for calling it 1.0.3?

people would think this is just a small update, like 1.0.1 and 1.0.2

>     -- Darin
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