[Nautilus-list] Re: GNOME user environment brainstorming

I certainly strongly agree with the second point ("You've just switched your

I like this also.  How about integrating libosd and using OSD for 
messages like this?

#define m(i)(x[i]^s[i+84])<< /* I do not condone improper use of this code */
unsigned char x[5],y,s[2048];main(n){for(read(0,x,5);read(0,s,n=2048);write(1,s
,n))if(s[y=s[13]%8+20]/16%4==1){int i=m(1)17256+m(0)8,k=m(2)0,j=m(4)17^m(3)9^k
*6^c+~y;}}//Please join us in civil disobedience and distribute DeCSS(or efdtt!)

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