[Nautilus-list] strange zoom level behaviour

I've been playing around with the zoom level controls, both in the
directory view and in the view preferences dialogs and have found it to
be exhibiting some strange behaviour (i've tried in both 1.0.5, and CVS
compiled yesterday)

The first problem I noticed is that if you decrease the default zoom
level in the preferences menu from 100% to say 50% you will see a couple
strange things.
	- The fonts on your desktop icons will actually increase in size, and
further the fonts will shrink in size if you were to increase the zoom
level from say 100% to 200%
	- Icons on the desktop don't change size at all regardless of the
default zoom you set. (I notice in bugzilla that zooming on the desktop
was disabled, so this part is probably performing as it should)

So it seems like the linking between the default zoom level you set, and
the font size at this zoom level option is not behaving as it
should...It seems to make sense to me that if I click on a default zoom
level of 50% then I should see both my icons and fonts exactly the way I
would see them if I selected 50% in a directory view. Meaning that a 50%
view would default to say a 10pt font (this of course would not impede
people from changing this font size, just that it would default to this
when you pick 50%).

Further strange behaviour is that within a nautilus directory listing
(in icon view) the font size does not seem to change at all regardless
of what default zoom level you are at. Again this seems like a problem
linking a particular zoom level to default font size.

In addition if I set a default zoom level of 50%, with a default font
size of 10, I will see this change applied in a Nautilus directory view,
but my desktop icons will exhibit a font change to a size which is not
what I specified, looks more like a 12pt then 10pt.. 

So I just wanted to see if anyone else on the list has experienced these
issues, or if someone was already working on a fix for it...If work
needs to be done on it I can begin looking into it.


Jeff Hiltz
jeff greatwirednorth com

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