Re: PATCH: bug 76293 and bug 48317

Galeon has alt-arrows for back and forward.

One thing that might be a good idea in the overall keybinding scheme of
things is to make sure that we're using cntrl and alt consistently.  I
seem to recall a while ago people agreeing on using cntrl as the
modifier that does stuff to the program, whereas alt is the modifier for
the window/wm.  Is that still the case?  Or even a goal?  It might be
nice to be consistent along that front.  It would also help to ensure
that we don't have the same keybinding in the app and the window


On Mon, 2002-04-29 at 10:47, Enver ALTIN wrote:
> On Mon, 2002-04-29 at 18:16, Dave Bordoley wrote:
> > Here's an Idea, why dont i make go forward and up all use alt-arrow
> > keys. And than duplicate can use ctl+U, that will now be available since
> > up will use alt+up not ctl+u
> > would that be ok
> Yes, I think that's OK. Alt+Arrow keys have the same behaviour on MS
> Win32/Explorer. BTW, Galeon seem to have no key mappings for Back and
> Forward actions at all.
> -- 
> Enver (a.k.a. skyblue) - A potent hallucinogene
> -- 
> nautilus-list mailing list
> nautilus-list gnome org

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