Re: [Nautilus-list] Release for Alpha 2?

<quote who="Darin Adler">

> I read both those lists, but I'm finding it difficult to translate your
> general announcements into my responsibilities for my packages. In
> particular, I am going to work with the contributors to get the packages I
> maintain done "as soon as possible" but I have no idea if I can meet your
> expectations for "alpha" and "beta" at the times you have chosen.

The general goal is to meet the requirements in the porting guide. Please
don't hesitate to email me or the release team if anything is unclear - if
it's unclear to you, then it will probably do others good if we can clarify

> I'm going to do a release before getting any more updates. We can do another
> afterward when these changes get in and we think they're in good shape for a
> release.

Tops, thanks.

- Jeff

  "If you want to start a debate on a subject, however, all that seems to   
     be necessary is to involve perennial target Richard Gooch." - LWN      

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