Gnome Nautilus 1.0.6

I have been running Nautilus as a stand alone application on a remote
DISPLAY (X11R6-fvwm95) for over a year.  Nautilus is loaded on a RedHat
7.1 server.     I currently just updated Nautilus thru Ximian's
Red-Carpet, and am experiencing some problems now.

The problem is sporatic.  Then I execute my rsh to the server that I
have nautlius loaded:

rsh nautilusserv "DISPLAY=$DISPLAY;export DISPLAY; nautilus -n
--no-desktop $HOME"

Sometimes nautilus launches correctly with one window, other times I get
multiple widows of nautilus.  Some of the windows have my home folder
display others have this error in a error dialog box.

	The List veiw encountered an error and can't continue. You can 	You can
choose another view or go to a different location.

At the command prompt I get this error.

	*** WARNING ** Throbber Activation exception ' Unknown CORBA exception

How can I correct this without having to down grade.

please respond to tig kenosha org
City of Kenosha, Wisconsin USA, IS
mailto: tig kenosha org

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