Re: combined patches

> Hmmm. I had 75% as the default zoom level for the list view, but at 75% i 
> don't get the default font.

Actually, that is correct. For the list view everything above 50% get's
PANGO_SCALE_LARGE for default zoom instead of PANGO_SCALE_MEDIUM. The
reason is that the icons are big enough at that size to accomodate a
larger font size. If you don't use PANGO_SCALE_LARGE it looks really
weird because the icons are big but the font is relatively small. If you
change the default to 50% you will get the correct font.

I hope that makes sense. Have a look at the fm_list_view_scale_font_size
function to see what I mean. Note that it already was like that and I
just changed it for 50% and lower.

- Frank

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