Re: patches for and nautilus.spec{.in}

Neil Weisenfeld wrote:

I'm also an autotools newbie, so I'm not sure if I did this right, but
the problems seem straightforward.
The good form is to mail the maintainers first and ask them how they want to deal with it. Some will object to any changes to the spec files / build system (libxml2/libxslt forinstance), while some would be happy if you would commit straight to CVS.

For a while it was an idea in the GPP (gnome packaging project) to include directions in the HACKING file, but it seems that never happened, so contacting the maintainers directly is the way to go for now.

The patches look good at-a-glance. Only thing is that u do not have to define every require, libgnome will require gtk2, so why mention it here? I'm also not sure if we still need the brb_compress @ the top of the spec anymore.

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