MIME Handling


I'd like to ask a question about the new MIME system to be used in GNOME
2.8. Please be patient as this question might also sound stupid.

Is Nautilus the only visible GNOME program using the MIME system? I ask
because of a problem I had when using Nautilus to launch gedit to edit a
C source file (I have reported this at

As it says in that report, I should be able to open that C source file
with gedit but I cannot get it to work as advertised (i.e. the C source
file - MIME type text/x-csrc - is 'derived' is still a text file so
should be recognised as such)[1][2]. Is this a Nautilus bug (I'll file a
report if it is), or is this related to some other part of GNOME?

Thank you for your help.

 - darren

[1] http://lists.gnome.org/archives/desktop-devel-list/2004-


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