Re: Connect to Server dialog

W liście z śro, 14-07-2004, godz. 21:08, Seth Nickell pisze: 
> > - Personally I'd kind of expect the username field to come either first
> > or last, somehow... protocol, server and folder just seem to be too
> > logically related to have the username field split them up. (And since I
> > can't really decide what username I'm going to use until I've chosen the
> > other stuff, last would seem more natural.)
> To some degree this is shaped by technical constraints.
> 1) You can't browse for folders until you've entered a user name
> 2) The dialog isn't really intended to be static based on the server
> type. So if you select FTP, it should have a checkbox for "Anonymous".
> Or if you select, say, AFS, it should have a "Use current Kerberos
> credentials" checkbox (or something, terribly phrased I know). The
> username is one of the things impacted by this. Ideally, we'd like to
> have password here too, since username & password are almost always a
> pair...but that could also be protocol specific (e.g. with sftp if you
> have S/KEY installed you don't need a password).
> The "Server Type" "Server" and "Folder" fields are closely related to
> "what resource do I want", so it would be nice to keep them next to each
> other... so I'm a little unhappy w/ putting username in the middle. But
> because of (1) it seems necessary to do this rather than put username at
> the bottom.

IMO, order should be:

Type : 		FTP
Server :
Username :	Fred

since username clearly depends on server being already selected.
Moreover, server should determine what username is prefilled, and thus
it should be above username. See my other post in thread for ASCII-art
mockups :)

"Tautologizm to coś tautologicznego"
   Maciej Katafiasz <mnews2 wp pl>

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