Re: SMB error: "Sorry, couldn't display all the contents of..."

On Thu, 2004-06-03 at 12:57, y9toi7y02 sneakemail com wrote:
> On 3 Jun 2004, Alexander Larsson |nautilus| wrote:
> > On Thu, 2004-06-03 at 01:21, y9toi7y02 sneakemail com wrote:
> > > If someone is going to work at it, could they please make it use the
> > > settings from /etc/samba/smb.conf or /etc/smb.conf if there is no
> > > ~/.smb/smb.conf? As of now, it creates and uses an empty copy in your
> > > homedirectory while it is hard to come up with a reason to use a per user
> > > config. This way it defaults to using broadcasting for browsing, which is
> > > really slow while using WINS is instant. Also it doesn't work with
> > > multiple subnets, tends to miss hosts, is really bad on the network
> > > etcetera.
> >
> > Yeah. There are some things that we need to set though, such as filename
> > encodings etc, that would break if we read the system smb.conf and used
> > the (non-default) settings from there. Ideally we should read the system
> > smb.conf and have some way in libsmbclient to override specific settings
> > that we need.
> Why wouldn't you want the system-wide config to contain the right filename
> encoding too?

Its not about "right", gnome-vfs smb uris *have* to be in utf8 to work
in gnome. libsmbclient uses the "unix charset" setting to chose uri
encoding, and you might rightly want to have that set to something else
on your system (for instance if you use iso8859-1 on your filesystem and
want to export your filesystem to others), but gnome-vfs *still* needs
to generate utf8 uris.

If libsbmclient had a way to set the unix charset to override the
smb.conf setting we could use that.

> Apparently libsmbclient is an abstraction over libsmb. Libsmbclient uses
> its own contexts (called 'ctx' in the code), libsmb uses another kind of
> context (called 'cli' in the code).
> libsmbclient could just set cli->use_kerberos = 1 and it would work.
> It's just that it doesn't do that.

That sucks. This is where a samba person working with us could help a

> > Another problem with libsmbclient is that it always tries to log in
> > anonymous after the given user/password failed login, so if anon login
> > works we can't actually give the user several tries to login, which
> > sucks.
> AFAIK Windows (2000 and XP) does this:
> - Try kerberos if the server seems to support this and you have a
> ticket (you have one if you are logged on to a domain)
> - Try anonymous login
> - Ask for a password and try NTLMv2 and NTLM login (plaintext login is
> forbidden by default; you have to change the registry to allow it).
> So if anonymous login is allowed you can't (without using tricks like the
> 'net' command or the 'map network drive' menu item) force login. I don't
> expect a lot of smb servers to be setup so Windows clients do not work
> with them.
> Unfortunately unix users typically do not have kerberos tickets. That
> means that you wouldn't be able to browse to shares that you have to be
> logged in for to see. You can just type the share name and it would ask
> for a password though.

Well, We (i.e. red hat) would like to move the unix world to using
kerberos more [1]. Part of this is making all the various unix apps
actually use kerberos if you got a ticket, so that people have a reason
to use kerberos. So, I'm all for making kerberos work with smb, in fact
I want to make it work for webdav too, which is likely to happen when we
move the gnome-vfs http backend to using neon which supports kerberos.

We've recently been discussing how anonymous login should work on ftp,
and what we decided is quite different from how you say windows work,
but it might be that this is ok, due to the way these to systems are
normally set up and used.

> > It would rock of some of the libsmbclient developers could work with us
> > to make smb integration rock.
> One thing to keep in mind is that this is an area in which Microsoft sets
> the standards. Often it is best to look what they do and imitate them,
> even if it doesn't seem to be the best way to do it. Most servers are set
> up to work with Windows clients so if you do something they wouldn't, you
> can easily find yourself out of luck. Convincing Windows administrators to
> set up their servers to support (typically officially unsupported) samba
> clients is not easy at all.
> I would propose to use kerberos when the user has a ticket and default to
> anonymous when they haven't or the ticket is not enough.
> Note that you need to be really careful with sending and especially
> caching logins because you can trivially spoof the server names. Using
> broadcasts it's just a matter of who answers first, using WINS it's who
> registers first.

What do you mean by caching logins? You mean caching the password?

> This means that, if you allow plaintext logins, a malicious server can
> easily get your credentials (that's why Windows forbids it by default).
> NTLM was devised to deal with spoofed servers trying to steal your login
> but the encryption is rather weak and allows for Man in the Middle
> attacks. NTLMv2 allows the server to prove its identity so these attacks
> are no longer possible and it upgrades the encryption, but you need
> information about the domain the server is in for this to work.
> This means that whatever way you use of caching the login and password is
> rather insecure if your client does not have the domain information, and
> samba never has it as it does not support being a domain member as a
> client.
> Using kerberos is the safest way because you only have to send the ticket
> which is of very little value to an attacker, so you can afford to just
> default to sending it to anyone who asks. Then again, this only works with
> Windows 2000/XP or samba machines, that are in a domain (ADS mode for
> samba).

I really suck at these things, I wish a person that really knew samba
and windows could help out with the smb backend.


 Alexander Larsson                                            Red Hat, Inc 
                   alexl redhat com    alla lysator liu se 
He's an oversexed misogynist master criminal plagued by the memory of his 
family's brutal murder. She's a wealthy psychic schoolgirl who don't take no 
shit from nobody. They fight crime! 

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