Re: [PATCH] add location button context menu

On Die, 2005-05-17 at 10:34 +0200, Christian Neumair wrote:
> Am Samstag, den 30.04.2005, 21:56 +0200 schrieb Jürg Billeter:
> > "Move to Trash" is sensitive when the _current_ folder is not read only
> > but it should look at the _parent_ folder.
> Should it? If nautilus_file_can_write is true for a subfolder, but not
> for the parent folder, will I be able to move the subfolder to trash?

I've done a few tests to check the permissions:

To move a subfolder (i.e. cut and move to trash): Write permission of
parent and subfolder required. (Don't understand why write permission of
subfolder is required as I could copy and delete it without having

To move a file: Write permission of parent folder required.

To delete a subfolder: Write permission of parent folder and permission
to delete each nested subfolder/file required.

To delete a file: Write permission of parent folder required.

This is only (if at all) valid for standard unix permissions, of course,
and without tmp directories and similar special cases. I assume it'd be
rather much more complicated with acls and/or network file systems.


Jürg Billeter <j bitron ch>

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