Re: Suggestion: The option to open a folder in a New Tab instead of a New Window.

Xavier Bestel wrote:
That's a window manager problem. If you use Ion or Fluxbox, it's kind of
If you want to hack on something useful not only for Nautilus, make a
plugin for Compiz that will handle multiple windows of the same app
nicely (putting them in tabs, with easy tab tearing/grouping), and
voilà, you have solved a big problem for many apps in one go.

I'd love to, but I use an old pc. (600Mhz processor!) Compiz just isn't an option for me yet until I've finished my studies. That was one of the main reasons to go Linux in the first place. Didn't want to pay for new windoze software that would barely run on my pc anyway, and couldn't afford to upgrade my pc to any great degree. My best mate gave me this one. Runs Ubuntu 7.04 just fine with all the software I need!

I've developed a real interest in open source software now, but still haven't learnt anything but the barest basics of hacking. No-one seems really interested in giving me any pointers on where to start with it all, so I've stuck a folder full of source for nautilus on my desktop and I'll explore as I have time.

Wouldn't allowing tabs through a wm raise the same issues in nautilus as the others say a patch would? Tabs would definitely seem to the way popular computer usage is going though.



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