Re: dragging url to desktop is broken?

2008/8/11 Nelson Benítez León <nbenitezl gmail com>
2008/8/10 Christian Neumair <cneumair gnome org>
Am Freitag, den 08.08.2008, 14:39 +0200 schrieb Nelson Benítez León:

>  I see two problems here, firstly being that GIO should be aware of my
> proxy settings to access internet, and secondly that DND'ing a url to
> the desktop shouldn't need  internet access at all, or should be
> optional.

Good catch.

When you drop a file, the MIME type of the source file is determined in
fm_directory_view_handle_netscape_url_drop(). It uses
g_file_query_info(), which does sync. I/O. Maybe the destination file
type should already be determined during drag, rather than afterwards,
and using NautilusFile. This allows us to show a "link" icon instead of
a question mark when dragging a HTML link that points to a web page.

Do you want to work on the issue? :)

   Yes, I want to work on it, but I'm currently on holidays for two weeks, so I wouldn't mind if someone wants
Yes, I want to work on it, but I'm currently on holidays for two weeks, so I don't mind if someone wants to start working on it now. I'll do it when I came back from holidays. Thanks for detailing the bug :)...

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