Re: Wrong icons on nautilus-gio

On Wed, 2008-01-09 at 12:36 +0100, Luca Ferretti wrote:
> * All archive (zip, tgz, tbz, rmp(?), deb(?)...) files show the
>         regular file icon. They should use instead
>         "package-x-generic"[1]
>       * All fonts file could/should use "font-x-generic"
>       * HTML files could/should use "text-html"
>       * PDF and PS files are using regular file icon. Why not
>         "x-office-document"? (of course when you disable the preview)
>       * same for MS Office, 1 and 2, Gnumeric and Abiword
>         files: please use x-office-[document,presentation,spreadsheet]
>       * shell script files (and maybe Python, Perl, Ruby...)
>         should/could use "text-x-script" icon. Note that when you enable
>         the +x, Nautilus uses "application-x-executable".
>       * .vcf files could/should use "x-office-address-book" icon (same
>         for other file formats to store contacts)
>       * .ics files could/should use "x-office-calendar" icon (same for
>         other file formats to store events)

At the moment we're only using the mimetypes to generate the icons. So,
for for example zip files (application/zip) we use application-zip, then
application-x-generic, then text-x-generic as a final fallback.

It would be very nice if we could for instance group all archives, all
fonts or all documents into one group and have a common fallback icon
for those. However, this information doesn't currently exist anywhere in
the shared-mime-info information. I've proposed adding a generic icon
attribute to this a long time ago, but nothing has really happened on
that. Should be easy to do though.

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