Column data in nautilus list-view

Hi Guys!

I'm currently working on an improvement to DND behaviour in nautilus
list view.
I have a question: is it possible to find out which columns are
currently visible in nautilus (list view) and to find out their x
coords? The problem is that it is definitively not possible to use the
gtktreeview methods as they don't provide the correct coords and
visibility for the current implemetation in nautilus (due to some kind
of implementation, which I don't completely understand yet).
There are some static functions in fm-list-view.c which are doing
exactly what I need but I didn't want to use this module because I'm
currently working on nautilus-tree-view-drag-dest which is used by both
fm-list-view and fm-tree-view modules and thus is more generic than the
fm-list-view module.
Of course I could implement the needed functionality in fm-list-view,
but it really would fit into nautilus-tree-view-drag-dest and the last
thing I want is to split this code into two more or less unrelated
I would be very grateful if I could get some help or suggestions how to
approach this problem. Thanks!


Dimitri Benin

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