Re: Column data in nautilus list-view

On Tue, 2008-10-21 at 01:04 +0800, Dimitri Benin wrote:
> Hi Guys!
> I'm currently working on an improvement to DND behaviour in nautilus
> list view.
> I have a question: is it possible to find out which columns are
> currently visible in nautilus (list view) and to find out their x
> coords? The problem is that it is definitively not possible to use the
> gtktreeview methods as they don't provide the correct coords and
> visibility for the current implemetation in nautilus (due to some kind
> of implementation, which I don't completely understand yet).
> There are some static functions in fm-list-view.c which are doing
> exactly what I need but I didn't want to use this module because I'm
> currently working on nautilus-tree-view-drag-dest which is used by both
> fm-list-view and fm-tree-view modules and thus is more generic than the
> fm-list-view module.
> Of course I could implement the needed functionality in fm-list-view,
> but it really would fit into nautilus-tree-view-drag-dest and the last
> thing I want is to split this code into two more or less unrelated
> modules.
> I would be very grateful if I could get some help or suggestions how to
> approach this problem. Thanks!

Which functions in fm-list-view.c are you talking about?
get_visible_columns()/apply_columns_settings()? That just sets the
visible columns on the treeview. So, the list of all visible columns set
from that should be gettable with gtk_tree_view_get_columns() 

Coordinates for a column can be gotten with
gtk_tree_view_get_cell_area(). Just pass NULL for the path.

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