Re: maybe a gsoc project?


On Mon, 2009-03-30 at 13:26 +0200, b0unc3 wrote:
> I have an idea in my mind. I would like to develop an extension for
> nautilus that can allow users to simply and quickly upload file(s) to
> remote service(s). Remote service can be an FTP Server or an SSH
> Server and make also possible to upload to online service like Flickr,
> YouTube , picasaweb and so on.
> I'd like to know from you if it can be considered for a GSoC project.
> Thank you.

FTP is already possible in nautilus - what is bad about the current
implementation, or why is it currently not "simple and quick" from your
point of view?

In general: Conduit is a blessed dependency of GNOME and provides a
framework for parts of this (e.g. picasa, flickr etc), see for more information.

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