Re: Simplified Nautilus (with less chrome)

On Wed, 2010-01-20 at 15:32 -0600, David Siegel wrote:

> But let's not get sidetracked -- who writes the toolbar editor is not
> the core issue here. The larger, more interesting question is whether
> Nautilus should grow towards complexity before simplicity or vice
> versa. I would love to see a statement like "Nautilus is an
> ___________ for people who __________. When you use Nautilus, you
> should feel _____________ and never feel _________ or ________.
> Nautilus will always do _________ well, and will never, under any
> circumstances ____________. Nautilus is not for ______, _______, or
> ______." A statement of core values would allow us to very easily
> decide whether the split view changes should land if in means the
> toolbar would become more complex. Does such a mission statement exist
> for Nautilus?

There is no such statement in writing, but it would probably be fruitful
to have one. I know dolphin (kde file manager) has something like this:

I sort of agree with most of what is written there, but think that the
exact decisions they have taken based on it is slightly too much
emphasis on the more advanced features. (For instance with split view on
the toolbar and the terminal feautre). So, I would go a bit more towards
Fred and less towards Simon, but its all about degrees, so its a bit
hard to specify in words.

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