Re: sort by extension?

Hello ;)

As I was trying to explain already, there is always cases in which mime type fails and mixes up different filetypes. I am messing with this problem for many years now already at first in KDE, now in Gnome, and no matter how many mime types are added in between, there are obviously always more (maybe less common or new) types which are not recognized, hence mixing up. It will never equal out, for obvious reasons I hope. I know that this problem is originated in the windows world, but it doesn't change the problem if I have to work in folders which contain (also) windows files. Sorting by extension however will always reliably return the expected result.


On 07/08/2016 02:13 PM, Carlos Soriano Sanchez wrote:

I'm unclear what the problem is. Is that there are not enough mime-types for your liking so sorting by mime 
type mix them?
Then definitely they should be added as a standard. We don't really work with extensions (except for some 
specific cases).

This sort by extension sounds more like a workaround for not enough mime types.

Carlos Soriano

----- Original Message -----
| First off, thank you all for developing all this. I know what time and
| effort this all costs and therefor I appreciate any work put into such a
| project like this.
| That being said, I want to know if there is a way to enable "sort by
| extension" feature for Nautilus.
| If there is already an option for this, I'm sorry for my
| elaborationsbelow , but after digging a while I'm pretty convinced that
| I would have found it already if existing.
| Now, before starting to harass me with "we don't need another make Linux
| to Windows topic", which seems to be the only obvious reason for me why
| such a programming wise extremely simple feature isn't implemented yet,
| let me explain why and what for this makes sense:
| In a perfect Linux world one may be happy with mime type detection or
| type, granted. Reality however is, if people like me, who are forced to
| work in both worlds, a missing feature like this is extremely work flow
| blocking and absolutely annoying. Different filetypes are mixed because
| they are assumed to be the same mime type. If need to copy out files
| from my Windows/Linux cross project, I have mix ups between .ini, .map
| files, between .dll and .so, .ilk and .bsc and and and. I guess I could
| compile a list with dozens of examples. I fully agree that Linux is not
| windows and I don't want the Desktop of my choice to be "windows'ed",
| but such a feature is really an essential addition if one has the
| requirement to work with windows files or who needs to have interactions
| between both OS.
| Anyway, thanks for your time,
| Smirftsch
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