RE: Orca would be nice to disable speech?

-----Mensaje original-----
De: Willem van der Walt [mailto:wvdwalt csir co za] 
Enviado el: martes, 11 de abril de 2006 9:14
Para: Orca screen reader developers
Asunto: Re: Orca would be nice to disable speech?

If one cannot stop the thing from speaking by moving to 
another window or 
some thing, yes, then we require a way to temporary silence 
the speech. Regards, Willem
Or simply if you want to use the soundcard, to listen audio.
Even if you want to sleep without hearing your speech synthesizer :-)
I changed window while I was getting the sources from CVS, but in a program
compilation the process is more quickly, better to have possibility to
silence speech. Even more would be useful in terminal to press a key, the
synths stop and when no more output is produced the speech comes again
available automatically. I have seen this in some MS-DOS screen readers. 



On Mon, 10 Apr 2006, Fco. Javier Dorado Martínez wrote:

Hi to all

At this moment I am working with the terminal, checking out 
the latest 
Evolution sources from CVS. I have the problem of having too much 
output by speech and I have to control to shut up the 
speech. I have 
thought about the possibility with a keystroke to enable / disable 
speech output. This is very nice also when you are compiling a 
program, or just updating the packages with apt-get, etc. I am only 
interested in the final output to check if everything it's 
OK or there 
are errors.

What do you think about this?



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