RE: Orca would be nice to disable speech?

Hi to all 

I think insert + q (quiet) cause insert + s now is reinitialization.
But I like insert + s (speech on/off). Does it possible to use more
modifiers? Insert + control + s for example or with shift.



-----Mensaje original-----
De: Willie Walker [mailto:William Walker Sun COM] 
Enviado el: martes, 11 de abril de 2006 13:23
Para: Orca screen reader developers
Asunto: Re: Orca would be nice to disable speech?

Orca does not restrict unfocused windows from speaking, and 
relies upon the script to be a polite citizen and speak only 
when needed. looks like a silence option would be 
very useful.  If there were a keystroke to toggle speech on 
and off, does anyone have a strong preference for what this 
keystroke should be?


On Tue, 2006-04-11 at 09:13 +0200, Willem van der Walt wrote:
If one cannot stop the thing from speaking by moving to 
another window 
some thing, yes, then we require a way to temporary silence 
the speech.
Regards, Willem

On Mon, 10 Apr 2006, Fco. Javier Dorado Martínez wrote:

Hi to all

At this moment I am working with the terminal, checking out the 
latest Evolution sources from CVS. I have the problem of 
having too 
much output by speech and I have to control to shut up 
the speech. I 
have thought about the possibility with a keystroke to enable / 
disable speech output. This is very nice also when you 
are compiling 
a program, or just updating the packages with apt-get, etc. I am 
only interested in the final output to check if 
everything it's OK 
or there are errors.

What do you think about this?



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