Re: [orca-list] Broken feature: SayAll

Hello Rich,

On Mo, Apr 16, 2007 at 07:35:54 -0700, Rich Burridge wrote:
(Sorry to take so long to reply. I was on vacation last week.)

Thanks for your great work on orca!!!

I'm unable to reproduce the 
problem you are seeing, so you'll
need to give me a few more details.

Thats bad.

Do you have a sample gedit text file I could use that has 
problem? Where are you interrupting it and where does the
cursor end up for you?

Are you by any chance using Orca with speech dispatcher?
I will give it a try because it uses alsa for speechoutput.
The gedit problem occurs while using orca with gnomespeech.
I.ll update orca and try to send you an example text.

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