Re: [orca-list] Will Orca work with a bluetooth keyboard?

On Mon, Apr 07, 2008 at 05:05:13AM -0500, John J. Boyer wrote:
Another possibility of operating wirelessly with Orca.
It should work, as these keyboards are supported below the level of the X
server, unless I'm seriously mistaken. Combine this with Brlapi over the
wireless network and you could have remote access for both input and output.

I would suggest searching the Web for details of using Bluetooth keyboards
under Linux. In essence, though, if the X server can get it, Orca should
receive the keyboard event and respond appropriately, either handling it
internally or forwarding it to the application.

I would suggest setting the braille options in Orca to provide verbose output;
otherwise, important information such as object types will be missed unless
you're very familiar with the user interface and can infer these.

I've lodged a number of bug reports about inadequacies in the braille
interface, which I suspect has received less attention than the speech
interface until recently. In what I have read of the Orca code, however, the
braille and speech interfaces are distinct, which should make it possible to
optimize and improve the braille interaction.

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