Re: [orca-list] problems running orca

Hi, is there some log file that I can inspect?
Before I restart orca is there some chekck that I can do to help identify the problem?
I can ask for sighted  asistance from my wife.

About installing intrepid I found alpha 3 to download.
Is this version the correct version to try?

Please, forgive my poor english end my dumb questions.

Willie Walker wrote:
In general the problem happens when I'm running gnome-terminal.
However I alsso found the same problem when running evolution.
Hmm...strange. This seems like either the accessibility or audio
infrastructure might be going bad. :-( If you end up seeing a pattern,
please let us know.

About update to Ubuntu Intrepid release I can do but I need some help.
How can I update? Do I need to grab another cd or I can update using
some command in Ubuntu?
Keep in mind that Intreprid is still under development and is bleeding
edge stuff. So, as I say, you might end up bleeding. :-) I've not tried
an accessible install for Intrepid yet, but there are some notes for
Hardy available here -- they might be very similar to Intrepid:


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