[orca-list] Problems with orca and thunderbird


I have problems with orca and thunderbir (shredder) couse when I delette a
message orca doesn't read the following, unless I'm at the and of the list,
in wich case when I delette a message it reads the previous one. This has
force me to order my mesages ascendingly and then go to the end of the list
and start reading from there. At beggining I thought this was an orca
problem, but according to what I read in changelog and what I'ven told in
the spanish list, this shouldn't be like this.
I'm using the actual version of orca from subversion and the same with
at-spi, gail and atk. And, a couple of days ago I updated from ubuntu hardy to intrepid becouse I thought using gnome 2.23 may help, but it hasn't, even
though now nautilus appears to work faster :)

Best regards,

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