Re: [orca-list] Evolution

To answer the reading message question in evolution. First of all you need to ensure caret browsing is on (use f7 to toggle this). When caret browsing on you should be able to read messages using the cursor keys. One qwerk you should be aware of, when the message has no attachments you will cursor through the headers (eg. from, to, subject) and then you reach a table, you need to right cursor a couple of times before you can continue to cursor down into the message body (if you don't right cursor you won't go any further down).
I personally though would now recommend thunderbird 3, to me it just 
feels more natural to use. When I say more natural to use, I mean in a 
variety of ways. Orca reads message bodies with no issue (no turning on 
caret browsing and that right cursoring from the headers), to other 
features like the menu emphasis (eg. if I want to move an email from my 
inbox, in evolution I select move to from the menu and then get a dialog 
box with a tree view, where as thunderbird has move to in the menu, and 
that has a sub menu listing your accounts, and each of those accounts 
menu items have sub menus for the folders and so on). There are still a 
few issues, but both thunderbird and orca are still getting plenty of 
development and should fix them. Despite the few bugs thunderbird is a 
very good workable solution at the moment.
A couple of things though I will mention about thunderbird and evolution 
(not accessibility related) which may influence your decision. Evolution 
seems to be much more of a system like MS outlook, its not just a email 
client, it has features like calender, etc. Thunderbird on the other 
hand, whilst it can use plugins, is very much more orientated at just 
email, and possibly lacks some of the features evolution has for email 
(eg. exchange server support, but there may be a plugin I just don't 
know on that).
Michael Whapples

On 23/12/42 20:59, Tj wrote:
<div class="moz-text-flowed" style="font-family: -moz-fixed">I, too, have evolution problems.
When I add a contact then go to the treeview, it will tell me 
personal, however, I have to use the orca keys to find my contact I 
added.  Also, when I'm reading a message, I again have to use the 
review keys to do anything with it.  am I doing something wrong?
----- Original Message ----- From: "Dave Hunt" <dave hunt2 verizon net>
To: <orca-list gnome org>
Sent: Monday, December 15, 2008 2:47 PM
Subject: [orca-list] Evolution

Hello List!

I'm using Ubuntu 8.10.  When running Evolution, Orca goes silent
whenever I've had to use the flat review keys in order to read the  text
in a message with an html panel, Orca goes silent when I colse the
mesage.  Orca will resume speaking if I hit my powerswitch, forcing the
shutdown dialogue to come up.  However, when I hit the cancel button,
Orca goes quiet again.  I'm forced to shut down the session with
"ctrl-alt-backspace", and log in again.  Is there some combination of
Evolution preferences I should try insttead of the defaults?  maybe
people have better luck with Thunderbird 3?



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