2008-December Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
[orca-list] gnome-speech,
[orca-list] gnome-braille,
[orca-list] problem with Openoffice 2.4,
Scott Berry
[orca-list] Evolution Details in Orca's Wiki,
Andre Nuno Soares
[orca-list] Jokosher and Orca,
[orca-list] testing the normal ubuntu,
[orca-list] oralux works great, ViBuntu doesn't work at all.,
[orca-list] vibuntu 1.2 cd?,
[orca-list] vibuntu won't boot up the live cd,
[orca-list] vibuntu 2d and 3d?,
[orca-list] puppy linux question,
[orca-list] copying cd to music folder doesn't work,
michael weaver
[orca-list] transfering music to the i-pod with rhythmbox,
michael weaver
[orca-list] problems converting og files,
michael weaver
[orca-list] orca with open office spreadsheets,
Angelo Sonnesso
[orca-list] OT: nfbTRANS,
Scott Berry
[orca-list] getting the lastest Firefox,
Scott Berry
[orca-list] make your own vibuntu question,
[orca-list] problem in gtkpod,
michael weaver
[orca-list] lxde,
[orca-list] orca and the i-pod,
michael weaver
[orca-list] Orca has trouble starting when under power management,
Dave Hunt
[orca-list] LXDE desktop,
[orca-list] speech synthesizers,
[orca-list] automatic login question,
Kitty Litter
[orca-list] anyone using fluxbuntu with orca?,
[orca-list] updating opensolaris,
Michael Weaver
[orca-list] festival in vibuntu,
[orca-list] braille translator for linux,
[orca-list] vibuntu settings?,
[orca-list] orca with festival,
[orca-list] latest ubuntu on dell dimension 8200?,
[orca-list] Just a message to you all,
[orca-list] getting braille to print on a braille embosser,
Scott Berry
[orca-list] Daisy players for linux,
Scott Berry
[orca-list] Cepstral Voices giving out,
Terrence van Ettinger AKA Angus MacLaren
[orca-list] espeak and fedora,
[orca-list] A tale of two boxes,
Nolan Darilek
[orca-list] Making a live cd,
[orca-list] orca and espeak on fedora 10,
Aruni Sharma
[orca-list] Installing BRLTTY on openSUSE,
[orca-list] Ubuntu 9.04 accessible?,
Ignasi Cambra
[orca-list] A newbie question...,
Ignasi Cambra
[orca-list] Hello and screen reader questions,
John Courtney
[orca-list] Trying out Orca and Intrepid, but still loosing speech,
[orca-list] Orca and other speech synthesisors?,
[orca-list] Orca & ubuntu,
Justin Wright
[orca-list] Question about Debian Lenny,
[orca-list] Opensuse or Ubuntu?,
[orca-list] linux on a mac,
[orca-list] Audacious Questions,
Steve Holmes
[orca-list] installing debian lenny,
Ignasi Cambra
[orca-list] Orca and asus eee pc,
E.J. Zufelt
[orca-list] Installing Fedora core 10 with Orca,
[orca-list] cannot use orca on my system,
John covici
[orca-list] Are there compiling tutorials?,
Charlie Dorff
[orca-list] Many Tnanks,
Dave Hunt
[orca-list] Howto for ocr,
Daniel Dalton
[orca-list] gtkpod accessible,
michael weaver
[orca-list] evolution problem, can't hear words and characters being deleted.,
[orca-list] raising up the pdf reading isssue again, what's up so far?,
[orca-list] Accessible Screen Lock and Login,
Steve Holmes
[orca-list] problems installing Vibuntu with Orca,
Derek Roberts
[orca-list] Best Calendar Solution?,
Terrence van Ettinger (AKA Angus MacLaren)
[orca-list] Upgrading Vibuntu,
Terrence van Ettinger (AKA Angus MacLaren)
[orca-list] using alsa instead of pulseaudio in ubuntu,
michael weaver
Re: [orca-list] ocr success],
Daniel Dalton
[orca-list] ocr success,
Daniel Dalton
[orca-list] using alsa,
michael weaver
[orca-list] Speech Dispatcher not working,
Dave Hunt
[orca-list] Managed to install FC10 with Orca!,
[orca-list] Fw: Revisiting Orca,
Mitchell Smith
[orca-list] Revisiting Orca,
Mitchell Smith
[orca-list] My first findings with Fedora core 10 and orca,
[orca-list] Fw: Announce [WebAIM] Screen reader survey,
E.J. Zufelt
[orca-list] open suse 11.1,
[orca-list] Vibuntu Cross-Postings!,
Anthony Sales
[orca-list] Fedora core 10 live CD,
[orca-list] Cepstral Swift,
Terrence van Ettinger (AKA Angus MacLaren)
[orca-list] orca and i-pod software,
michael weaver
[orca-list] Another Website that gives Orca Fits!,
Steve Holmes
[orca-list] problem in evolution,
Michael Weaver
[orca-list] How to change global orca preferences,
Delaunay Christophe
[orca-list] Fonix Dectalk,
[orca-list] Orca and application freezes,
[orca-list] Run Vibuntu on USB with persistant storage!,
Anthony Sales
[orca-list] Pasting in a terminal window.,
Fabrizio Marini
[orca-list] Accessible graphical C debugger: does it exist?,
Fabrizio Marini
[orca-list] applications still freeze when closing,
Tony Bernedal
[orca-list] Roll your own Vibuntu in 10 easy steps!,
Anthony Sales
[orca-list] Evolution,
Dave Hunt
Re: [orca-list] Vibuntu the most accessible Ubuntu Linux live cd,
[orca-list] Accessible MP3 players?,
Andre Nuno Soares
[orca-list] Booting Vibuntu from a USB pen drive.,
Anthony Sales
Re: [orca-list] Vibuntu the most accessible Ubuntu Linux live cd for theVisually Impaired EVA III,
Anthony Sales
[orca-list] Vibuntu Development Blog,
Anthony Sales
[orca-list] Change username in Vibuntu after install.,
Anthony Sales
[orca-list] remastering either ubuntu or opensuse?,
[orca-list] opensuse,
[orca-list] Vibuntu Press Release,
Anthony Sales
[orca-list] Vibuntu 1.2 is ready for download!,
Anthony Sales
Re: [orca-list] Auto-Reading Underlined Mnemonics and Shortcut Keys?,
Hammer Attila
[orca-list] running the diff file for Orca,
Scott Berry
[orca-list] trying to use orca with evolution but mixed up with 2 inbox,
Krishnakant Mane
[orca-list] Voxin for fedora,
[orca-list] Bug in Person Preferences per aplication?,
Andre Nuno Soares
[orca-list] a question concerning AVG Work Station Antivirus program for Linux,
Scott Berry
[orca-list] installing orca,
[orca-list] Testing my subscribtion,
[orca-list] Orca silences and incomplete starts,
Dave Hunt
[orca-list] Audio walkthrough available. replace pulseaudio with alsa. Was: RE: Replacing PulseAudio with Alsa,
Re: [orca-list] System Sounds in Debian,
Steve Holmes
[orca-list] Replacing PulseAudio with Alsa,
E.J. Zufelt
[orca-list] mouse review mode problem,
[orca-list] Upgrading to Orca 2.24,
E.J. Zufelt
[orca-list] SSH?,
[orca-list] Notification Area/ System Tray?,
Dave Hunt
[orca-list] Replacing Pulseaudio with JackD in Ubuntu,
[orca-list] Accessible Install of Ubuntu in Virtualbox,
E.J. Zufelt
[orca-list] Using orca to get into the hardware driver GUI?,
[orca-list] Installing Vibuntu/Braille Support,
Anthony Sales
[orca-list] Orca in Ubuntu Hardy,
E.J. Zufelt
[orca-list] Vibuntu and PulseAudio,
E.J. Zufelt
[orca-list] Audio walk through of the installation of Vibuntu 1.1 now available.,
[orca-list] OT: gnome-magnifier,
Ali Savas
[orca-list] Slow mail?,
[orca-list] Vibuntu 1.1,
Anthony Sales
[orca-list] Copy/Paste in gnome-terminal,
[orca-list] unetbootin_299_i386.deb,
[orca-list] Orca freezing and updating open office,
James & Nash
[orca-list] Vibuntu 1.1 Realeased!,
Anthony Sales
[orca-list] linux mint,
[orca-list] initial volume of espeak too low on my laptop,
[orca-list] Ubuntu hardy sluggish in VMPlayer,
E.J. Zufelt
[orca-list] Running Ubuntu as a Virtual Machine,
E.J. Zufelt
[orca-list] OT: Linux and virus.,
[orca-list] Problem in listening sound on a Virtual machine.,
SatyaNarayana Murthy Tanikella
[orca-list] Problem in downloading Open Suse.,
SatyaNarayana Murthy Tanikella
[orca-list] About Open solaris.,
SatyaNarayana Murthy Tanikella
[orca-list] Orca Gaming Info Posted,
Storm Dragon
[orca-list] Understanding the gnome layout,
[orca-list] switching to linux and some programs,
James & Nash
[orca-list] orca an mythtv,
Roberto Burceni
[orca-list] installing OpenSolaris,
Re: [orca-list] Orca stops speaking impredictably.,
Fabrizio Marini
[orca-list] Do many users exclusively use Linux?,
James & Nash
[orca-list] Root sudo gksudo confusion,
James & Nash
[orca-list] latest orca,
[orca-list] Extra Festival Voices And Accessible Games,
Storm Dragon
[orca-list] Minefield became Shiretoko,
David E. Price
[orca-list] Updating individual programs i.e. Open Office,
James & Nash
[orca-list] Extra Festival Voices Guide,
Storm Dragon
[orca-list] Upgrading Ubuntu with Orca,
E.J. Zufelt
[orca-list] foresight,
[orca-list] Extra Festival Voices,
Storm Dragon
[orca-list] Scripting guide posted,
Storm Dragon
[orca-list] New Mirror for Vibuntu 1.0,
Anthony Sales
[orca-list] Slight problem with Orca,
James & Nash
[orca-list] Orca Script Tutorial Suggestions,
Steve Holmes
[orca-list] test please ignore,
[orca-list] Revised Orca-customizations tutorial and script,
Storm Dragon
[orca-list] Braille cursor question,
Michael Whapples
[orca-list] Speech Dispatcher on Ubuntu 8.10,
Jani Kinnunen
[orca-list] Training goals as a Linux Redhat certified Engineer and Asterisk certified professional,
Scott Berry
[orca-list] [Fwd: FW: Training goals as a Linux hRedhat certified professional],
Willie Walker
[orca-list] Problems with Gnome 2.24 and Orca 2.24.2,
Jason White
[orca-list] Orca and mono,
E.J. Zufelt
[orca-list] Upgrading at-spi on Intrepid,
Re: [orca-list] getting better synthesizers for Ubuntu?,
[orca-list] Vibuntu 1.0 URL,
Anthony Sales
[orca-list] Please allow me to introduce myself, I'm (not) a man of wealth and taste!,
Anthony Sales
[orca-list] Orca IRC,
E.J. Zufelt
Re: [orca-list] Building at-spi from SVN,
Willie Walker
[orca-list] no magnification in Orca-ubuntu8.04,
[orca-list] OpenSolaris installation using Orca?,
[orca-list] Testing Orca and ARIA,
E.J. Zufelt
[orca-list] Solaris Accessibility,
E.J. Zufelt
[orca-list] Orca and Easynews Large Pages,
Steve Holmes
[orca-list] Python editor for Orca,
E.J. Zufelt
[orca-list] Orca Customizations Tutorial,
Storm Dragon
[orca-list] Run orca in minimized window,
Michael Pozhidaev
[orca-list] Solaris Device Detection Tool,
E.J. Zufelt
[orca-list] Optimizing Orca setup for slower systems,
Bram Duvigneau
[orca-list] New walk through available. Install Ubuntu 8.10 with Orca.,
[orca-list] This may be of interest. remastersys,
[orca-list] Vibuntu,
Re: [orca-list] After restarting from standby display isn't there,
Willie Walker
Re: [orca-list] Have any keyboard command jump the next unread message in Thunderbird?,
Willie Walker
[orca-list] [Fwd: Fwd: Vibuntu -customised Ubuntu Linux for blind and partially sighted users],
Willie Walker
Re: [orca-list] Accessible RSS Readers,
Nolan Darilek
Re: [orca-list] Help with orca-customizations.py fileplease,
Willie Walker
[orca-list] what am I missing,
Guy Schlosser
[orca-list] OpenSolaris,
[orca-list] Ubuntu versus Open Solaris,
E.J. Zufelt
Re: [orca-list] Congratulations to SUN microsystems company, opensolaris is working ammazingly,
Willie Walker
Re: [orca-list] Support for ARIA,
Willie Walker
Re: [orca-list] I lost accessibility in openoffice,
Willie Walker
Re: [orca-list] Orca and Radio New Zealand web site,
Willie Walker
Re: [orca-list] [Fwd: [laptop-accessibility] OLPC accessibility for Visually Impaired users],
Willie Walker
[orca-list] New audio walk through available. Installing Ubuntu 8.10 with Orca.,
[orca-list] Questions about upgrading AT-SPI and Orca,
James & Nash
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