Re: [orca-list] Many Tnanks

That's odd... Why can you have only a sound at a time? I guess it's your sound card or something. ALSA works just fine for me.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Tomas Cerha" <cerha brailcom org>
To: "Dave Hunt" <dave hunt2 verizon net>
Cc: <orca-list gnome org>
Sent: Sunday, December 21, 2008 4:41 AM
Subject: Re: [orca-list] Many Tnanks

Dave Hunt wrote:
Thanks for the help with speech dispatcher and alsa.  I now have speech
dispatcher working but with pulse audio instead of alsa.  I tried alsa,
but found that I could have only one sound at a time.  Even with pulse,
the dispatcher makes  for a very responsive orca.  To have this setup be
persistent, I should start dispatcher in one of my start files, right?
Which would you recommend?  It's a per-user configuration.
Hello Dave,

The best way to do it per user is to add Speech Dispatcher to Gnome
session through System/Preferences/Session/Add.

Best regards, Tomas

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