Re: [orca-list] testing the normal ubuntu

For some reason the 8.10 installer doesn't talk right away, so installing is a little harder than usual but it's still perfectly doable. In any case, to boot from the live cd do the following: Once your computer has booted from the cd, press enter to select english as your language. Then press f5, number 3 and then enter two times. This should take you to the desktop with Orca enabled. I haven't done this in a while though, but I hope everything I said is right. In refference to your previous post, 8.10 does use pulseaudio and in my opinion, the only way of having Orca working well enough that it can actually be used all day is to use ALSA.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Josh" <jkenn337 gmail com>
To: <orca-list gnome org>
Sent: Monday, December 29, 2008 11:45 PM
Subject: [orca-list] testing the normal ubuntu


I think instead of using vibuntu, I'm gunna download ubuntu 8.10 and test it out. I want to run it off the cd though first to make sure it works before I install it to my hard drive. so, can someone tell me, give me step-by-step instructions for doing this?
what am I listening for, and what keys do I gotta press?



email: jkenn337 gmail com
msn: kenn6498ku hotmail com
skype: jkenn337
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