Re: [orca-list] [Fwd: Firefox Accessibility Extension 1.2 is available, please write a review]

I woud like to confirm the bugs before I'll send something to Jon:
Sure thing!

1. Select Navigation, Headings and move to any header. Header will be
visually highlighted, but if I press KP_Plus screenreader starts from
old position, the focus is not moved to heading.

My tip: press "end" ot "home" - cursor will be moved after selected
heading and you can read the rest of page with KP_Plus.
It looks like the extension is not causing the focus to move.  Here's 
example I ran:
1) Do a google search -- tab to a link down on the page, past the first 
heading, but still on the visible page.
2) Use Accessibility->Navigation->Headings to move to the first heading.

The first heading is visually highlighted (as you noticed), but the focus is still on the link I was previously on. When I look at the accessibility events, I see the that it looks like the caret is being moved, but the focus isn't.
I'm not sure if this is fixable in the extension (I have no insight into 
its internal workings), so maybe the home/end navigation tip you give is 
the best thing if it cannot be fixed.  We could potentially try to 
handle this in Orca and force the focus to change if see the caret move 
to a non-focused item, but I'm not sure about how comfortable I am with 
us making that change - it might break things elsewhere.
2. In "menu and navigation bars" both trees has initially no selection.
In my opinion all trees should automatically select it's first element
if none is selected when the tree is focused.
Sounds fair to me.  :-)

If you think it may be usable I can prepare the patched version of this
extension for testing.
This sounds good.  You should also raise these with Jon.  The Orca 
project and the Firefox Accessibility Extension are separate projects 
and neither one really has knowledge about the internals of the other. 
We are friendly with each other, though, which is why I forwarded Jon's 
e-mail on to the list.
Thanks for your work and interest in this!  Your work will definitely 
help make the Firefox Accessibility Extension a useful tool for Orca users.

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