Re: [orca-list] [Fwd: Firefox Accessibility Extension 1.2 is available, please write a review]

Hey guys.

the best thing if it cannot be fixed.  We could potentially try to 
handle this in Orca and force the focus to change if see the caret move 
to a non-focused item, but I'm not sure about how comfortable I am with 
us making that change - it might break things elsewhere.
I have mixed feelings about this.  On the one hand, breakage is bad. :-(
On the other hand, we're already doing a slew of "do we care about this
non-focused caret-moved event?" checking and custom handling.  One very
similar example would be our support for the find toolbar. Actually,
even more similar than that would be our support for the FF3 help
dialog.  So.... My proposal is this:  It would be "nice to have" so I've
opened an RFE for it here:

I'll want to add some additional regression tests to our collection (not
to mention squash some more of the bugs I'm working on) first, but then
I will see what we can do to improve the user experience with the UIUC

Take care.

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