El dom, 15-02-2009 a las 14:47 -0700, Steve Holmes escribiÃ:
user while in gnome. I can see why gdm logins are hard to implement before logging on because Orca isn't running yet and won't be until a user logs in. The spech settings and all are stored in a user's home directory so how could Orca be running before you login?
In this case Orca is launched with the -n (--no-setup option) that make that orca doesn't try to import a particular user settings, and also is run with the -d main-window to avoid the main screen to appear. This is the way how Orca is launched in gdm in Ubuntu when you press control+s for a second or so. I have get it to work adding the gdm user to the audio group sudo adduser gdm audio and enabling GTK_MODULES in my /etc/gdm/gdm.conf-custom file HTH Javier
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