[orca-list] Would yall please help my friend and I with our Wireless?

We're both using UBuntu V8.10. I can see the upper right pannel buttons don't read. Remember, I am not that good yet at reading documentation, and beside: how can I, if I can't get wi fi working to get on the net to! read it. So, really, is there an easy solution? I have a Dell Inspiron E1505. So does my friend. We both have the Intel ProSet Wireless.
If you wanna look at the specs of the system, you can look my system up on 
the dell web site.
My service tag is:

I just need to know based on these specs with Hardy Ubuntu 8.10 how we can get this to work, or, if not, can you all tell me what to do to upgrade to something that will work. I'll need command by command step by step directions on what to do. Remember, I can get online with my laptop in Windows, being I used Wubi, but in Linux, for now,at least, forget it.

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