Re: [orca-list] Announce copy to clipboard [was "Re: Some bugs with perhaps possible fixing in master branch"]

On Mon, Jun 04, 2012 at 02:57:20PM -0400, Thomas Ward wrote:

Fair enough. I was just merely pointing out that sighted users don't
get any kind of feedback when pressing control+c, 
Yes, we do: not from the clipboard action itself, but it's (usually)
*very* clear what we are copying, because what we've highlighted is
visually distinct from the rest of whatever we're grabbing from.

What we don't get is whether it worked: there are times when
something is highlighted and for whatever reason ctrl-v pastes the
previous clipboard contents. Sometimes that's a nasty surprise,
but I would expect to hear what I've pasted immediately after the
action as well, since visually I check that it went well (did I get
all of it, etc).

If I can't hear what I'm highlighting, then I'm less sure of what the
heck did I just copy. Whatever screen reader I'm using at the time
doesn't have to do any gymnastics so long as I can somehow have a good
idea that I've copied what I think I've copied, and pasted what I think
I've pasted. Wouldn't matter to me *how* Orca does this, or even if it
was a verbosity setting I had to turn on as a personal preference.

But this is opinion coming from a sighted person who relies on the 
visual feedback of the highlight. The only time I don't is when using
vim and I know I've used a command for copying an entire line.
Anything smaller with undefined boundaries, and I'm using the visual


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