Re: [orca-list] Libreoffice Calc gets slower and slower with Orca running

On Sunday 17 April 2016 01:38 PM, Alex ARNAUD wrote:
On 04/15/2016 06:00 PM, Nick Wood wrote:
Hi Joanie,
Hi NIck
It's disappointing that the bug has been around for so long!

Is there anything I can do to bump it or otherwise help get it resolved?
I see only few solutions :
- open subject on LibreOffice mailling list with lot of blind that tell their experience with LibreOffice a11y and some issues. I believe if we have some people the LibreOffice community should take care about accessibility.
- make a crowd-founding to pay people to solve LibO bugs
- take positions inside the FreeDocument Foundation for being accessibility advocate

Anyone has a better or another idea ?
I think the first solution you suggest is the immediate thing to be done.
Croud funding is a good solution, but firstly do we have enough documentation and expertise to work on the said issues? Secondly, except a few visually disabled people like us, who else would you expect to fund such a campaign and why? If some good documentation is provided and getting started on the calc stuff is easy then there could be some programmers who can take it up as their internship project.
Happy hacking.

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