Re: [orca-list] How to use spellcheckers with Orca?

Hi Joanie.
I can confirm that if the

speech verbosity is set to verbose, orca announces "misspelled" as expected.

On 01/20/2016 01:15 PM, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
Hi again Luciano.

Looking into the issue with Thunderbird, the only way I can reproduce
the problem is if I set my speech verbosity to "brief." Otherwise Orca
announces "misspelled" as I arrow into a misspelled word. Is there any
chance you have verbosity set to "brief"? If so, does setting it to
"verbose" solve the problem?

If that is indeed the case, then this isn't a new change or a
regression. This behavior was introduced back in 2010. I'll create a new
setting to make this configurable independent of verbosity level which
will hopefully solve the problem for you. If, however, the verbosity
level has nothing to do with your issue, then I'm afraid I need more detail.


On 01/20/2016 08:47 AM, luciano de souza wrote:
Yes, you are right. It's not impossible, but the utility decreases
meaningly. What I really want is to be alerted by Orca.

Could you reproduce? In Orca 3.18.1, isn't working?

2016-01-20 11:15 GMT-02:00, Krishnakant <krmane openmailbox org>:
Now I get it,
I can reproduce your problem.
Happy hacking.

On Wednesday 20 January 2016 06:43 PM, luciano de souza wrote:
Yes, I certainly do. The spellchecker is working. If I am on a wrong
word and access the application menu, suggestions for the right word
can be selected.

The problem is that Orca doesn't say anything when a wrong word is
found. It doesn't make sense to access the application menu for all
the words in a text, so even though I am sure spellchecker is working,
becose of the fact Orca doesn't anounce wrong words when moving with
the arrows, it's impossible to use the spellchecker.

2016-01-20 11:04 GMT-02:00, chrys87 web de <chrys87 web de>:
did you have the needed hunspell language installed? i think its called
hunspell-pt for portuguese.
wihtout having that installed LO cant check your spell.

Gesendet: Mittwoch, 20. Januar 2016 um 13:57 Uhr
Von: "luciano de souza" <luchyanus gmail com>
An: Krishnakant <krmane openmailbox org>
Cc: orca-list <orca-list gnome org>
Betreff: Re: [orca-list] How to use spellcheckers with Orca?
It's important to add one information else.

I agreed that Thunderbird and Firefox worked well with spellchecker
becose I remembered it's true.

However, I had not tested. Afterwards, I tested and I got a surprising
answer. Orca is not reading wrong words, when navigating with arrows,
even if when I talk about thunderbird and Firefox!

So the problem is much more generalized.

I use Triskel 7.0, based in Ubuntu 14.10. Could be this fact the
reason for this bad behaviour?

2016-01-20 9:28 GMT-02:00, luciano de souza <luchyanus gmail com>:
Yes, that's true. In Thunderbird and Firefox, it works very well.

In Writer, on the Tools menu, I find the option Language. But all is
already set to portuguese.

Actually, I have already imagined it. When I am on a wrong word, by
means of application menu, I can correct the word. In other words, the
spellcheck is active and it's possible to make corrections.

The problem is that Orca does not read automaticaly that an mistake is
present. The expected behaviour is that observed in Thunderbird and
Firefox interactions.

In order to verify if the problem is about portuguese implementation
of Writer spellcheck, I wrote a paragraph in English. So by the
application menu, I define the language of paragraph as english. I
wrote strawberr in stead of strawberry. On the application menu, I
really found the correct spellling and I could change it. But only
scanning with arrows, no Orca does not say anything as it does in
Thunderbird and Firefox.

I am using Orca 3.18.1 and LibreOffice

2016-01-20 7:53 GMT-02:00, Krishnakant <krmane openmailbox org>:

Firstly Orca works very well with spellcheck.
If you try this in Thunderbird or Firefox, any wrong word will be
as miss speled.
then you can move to that word with arrows and right click with the
mouce click keys.
With Libre office, the issue is not about Orca, perhaps you have not
your default language for all text.
In the tools menu you will get language selection go to all text and
select your language.
Now the Orca behaviour will be of some use because the spell check
Happy hakcing.

On Wednesday 20 January 2016 10:43 AM, luciano de souza wrote:
Hello all,

I was not able to use the spellchecker in Libreoffice Writer.

If I am on a wrongly writen word, by means of application menu, I can
choose the correct word.

But Orca does not say anything when a uncorrect word is found.

So my questions are:
1. With Orca, is it possible to use spellchecker in Libreoffice
2. Without Writer, is there another way to use a spellchecker which
interacts good with Orca?

Best regards,

Luciano de Souza

Luciano de Souza
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JosĂŠ Vilmar EstĂĄcio de Souza

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