Re: [orca-list] Orca doesn't start here

Didier Spaier, le ven. 20 juil. 2018 14:35:16 +0200, a ecrit:
It is possible to choose another voice using this combo box:
=> KO: no other voice proposed
The problem is rather in speech dispatcher itself:

spd-say -o espeak-mbrola-generic -L

doesn't show any choices, so orca can't invent them :)

I am eager to help investigate this issue. I would need some guidance,
like links to documents specifying the expected behavior or its
implementation, where to look in the code of spd and orca, whatever.
In speech-dispatcher, in src/modules/generic.c, module_list_voices just
returns NULL, that's why. Voices are properly registered with the
AddVoice configuration option, and that's parsed correctly in
./src/modules/module_utils_addvoice.c's module_register_settings_voices.

What could be done is to add to ./src/modules/module_utils_addvoice.c
support for listing the voices: in module_register_settings_voices, also
create a list of voices, in addition to the module_voice_table hash
table, and then it's a matter of adding a
module_list_registered_voices() function that just returns the list,
that generic.c's module_list_voices can simply call.


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