2018-August Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
[orca-list] antergos install problem,
Jude DaShiell
[orca-list] ubuntu and latest orca,
Michał Zegan
[orca-list] Gnome: Online accounts, and settings app,
Devin Prater
[orca-list] 'No focus' in Orca 3.29 (git,
Jace Kattalakis
[orca-list] State of Antergos accessibility,
Devin Prater
[orca-list] No more "finished loading" in Firefox,
Frans-Willem Post
[orca-list] login with youtube-viewer,
Jude DaShiell
[orca-list] Skype,
Matt - Envrin Group
Re: [orca-list] linuxmint,
Jude DaShiell
[orca-list] How to make Mumble accessible in Arch/Antergos?,
Dave Hunt
[orca-list] Orca in Linux Mint 19,
Francisco Javier Dorado MartÃnez
[orca-list] orca git arch linux request,
Majid Hussain
[orca-list] changing orca preferences without insert key,
Pavel VlÄek
[orca-list] Orca list what will be done with my problem?,
Arkadiusz Kozioł
[orca-list] Keyboard shortcut for wifi networks?,
Matt - Envrin Group
[orca-list] Where to find auto talking Arch?,
Pavel VlÄek
- Re: [orca-list] Where to find auto talking Arch?,
Jude DaShiell
- Re: [orca-list] Where to find auto talking Arch?,
Al Sten-Clanton
- Re: [orca-list] Where to find auto talking Arch?,
Jude DaShiell
- Re: [orca-list] Where to find auto talking Arch?,
Al Sten-Clanton
- Re: [orca-list] Where to find auto talking Arch?,
Jude DaShiell
- Re: [orca-list] Where to find auto talking Arch?,
Devin Prater
- Re: [orca-list] Where to find auto talking Arch?,
Jace Kattalakis
- Re: [orca-list] Where to find auto talking Arch?,
Jude DaShiell
- Re: [orca-list] Where to find auto talking Arch?,
Jace Kattalakis
- Re: [orca-list] Where to find auto talking Arch?,
Jude DaShiell
- Re: [orca-list] Where to find auto talking Arch?,
Al Sten-Clanton
- Re: [orca-list] Where to find auto talking Arch?,
Jude DaShiell
- Re: [orca-list] Where to find auto talking Arch?,
Jace Kattalakis
- Re: [orca-list] Where to find auto talking Arch?,
Jude DaShiell
- Re: [orca-list] Where to find auto talking Arch?,
Jace Kattalakis
- Re: [orca-list] Where to find auto talking Arch?,
Jude DaShiell
- Re: [orca-list] Where to find auto talking Arch?,
Jude DaShiell
- Re: [orca-list] Where to find auto talking Arch?,
Al Sten-Clanton
- Re: [orca-list] Where to find auto talking Arch?,
Jude DaShiell
- Re: [orca-list] Where to find auto talking Arch?,
Dave Hunt
- Re: [orca-list] Where to find auto talking Arch?,
Jude DaShiell
- Re: [orca-list] Where to find auto talking Arch?,
Janina Sajka
[orca-list] Strange problem with yaourt while trying to install something in antergoes from the aur.,
Matthew Dyer
[orca-list] Mate-terminal and multitabs,
Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
[orca-list] Error reading text on editable treeview columns,
Francisco Javier Dorado MartÃnez
[orca-list] OT: Two questions (Mate Q and picking a forum software),
Jace Kattalakis
- Re: [orca-list] OT: Two questions (Mate Q and picking a forum software),
Didier Spaier
- Re: [orca-list] OT: Two questions (Mate Q and picking a forum software),
Didier Spaier
- Re: [orca-list] OT: Two questions (Mate Q and picking a forum software),
- Re: [orca-list] OT: Two questions (Mate Q and picking a forum software),
Jace Kattalakis
- Re: [orca-list] OT: Two questions (Mate Q and picking a forum software),
- Re: [orca-list] OT: Two questions (Mate Q and picking a forum software),
Jace Kattalakis
- Re: [orca-list] OT: Two questions (Mate Q and picking a forum software),
Peter Vágner
- Re: [orca-list] OT: Two questions (Mate Q and picking a forum software),
Jace Kattalakis
- Re: [orca-list] OT: Two questions (Mate Q and picking a forum software),
- Message not available
- Re: [orca-list] OT: Two questions (Mate Q and picking a forum software),
Jace Kattalakis
- Re: [orca-list] OT: Two questions (Mate Q and picking a forum software),
Didier Spaier
- Re: [orca-list] OT: Two questions (Mate Q and picking a forum software),
Jace Kattalakis
- Message not available
- Re: [orca-list] OT: Two questions (Mate Q and picking a forum software),
Didier Spaier
- Re: [orca-list] OT: Two questions (Mate Q and picking a forum software),
[orca-list] Podcast about installing Accessible Coconut,
Vojtěch Polášek
[orca-list] Brail display with Ubuntu/Orca,
bittukumar jaiswal
[orca-list] voxsin tts with orca,
bittukumar jaiswal
[orca-list] OT: Ebook readers,
Jace Kattalakis
[orca-list] AutoTalkingArch,
Jude DaShiell
[orca-list] WARNING: Orca broken on latest Arch upgrades,
Janina Sajka
- Re: [orca-list] WARNING: Orca broken on latest Arch upgrades,
Majid Hussain
- Re: [orca-list] WARNING: Orca broken on latest Arch upgrades,
José Vilmar
- Re: [orca-list] WARNING: Orca broken on latest Arch upgrades,
Peter Vágner
- Re: [orca-list] WARNING: Orca broken on latest Arch upgrades,
- Re: [orca-list] WARNING: Orca broken on latest Arch upgrades,
Majid Hussain
- Re: [orca-list] WARNING: Orca broken on latest Arch upgrades,
Peter Vágner
- Re: [orca-list] WARNING: Orca broken on latest Arch upgrades,
Majid Hussain
- Re: [orca-list] WARNING: Orca broken on latest Arch upgrades,
Janina Sajka
- Re: [orca-list] WARNING: Orca broken on latest Arch upgrades,
Janina Sajka
- Re: [orca-list] WARNING: Orca broken on latest Arch upgrades,
- Re: [orca-list] WARNING: Orca broken on latest Arch upgrades,
Peter Vágner
- Re: [orca-list] WARNING: Orca broken on latest Arch upgrades,
Janina Sajka
- Re: [orca-list] WARNING: Orca broken on latest Arch upgrades,
Peter Vágner
- Re: [orca-list] WARNING: Orca broken on latest Arch upgrades,
Mike Gorse
[orca-list] running 3.18.2 and master on ubuntu 16.04,
[orca-list] strange results with orca and using master,
John Covici
[orca-list] Monitor solved,
Vojtěch šmiro
[orca-list] Not sure who to report this to, but would like to see an updated arch install audo tutorial using efi.,
[orca-list] Vypnutà monitoru,
Vojtěch šmiro
[orca-list] development of Orca,,
Dennis Solis Solano
[orca-list] Spread sheet selection: entire row vs individual cell selection clashes,
Peter Vágner
[orca-list] Spread sheet selection not detecting when the selection is lost,
Peter Vágner
[orca-list] Trying to get some Orca localizations updated,
[orca-list] Google sheets on Ubuntu,
bittukumar jaiswal
Re: [orca-list] How to have beeps on progress bar updates instead of voice announcements?,
Re: [orca-list] Orca doesn't start here,
Samuel Thibault
Re: [orca-list] [BRLTTY] Braille display inoperable in GUI since polkit-update,
Samuel Thibault
Re: [orca-list] Need your help to confirm and check LibreOffice accessibility bugs,
Peter Vágner
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