2021-September Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
[orca-list] Wanting to move back to Linux,
- Re: [orca-list] Wanting to move back to Linux,
Jude DaShiell
- Re: [orca-list] Wanting to move back to Linux,
- Re: [orca-list] Wanting to move back to Linux,
Jace Kattalakis
- Re: [orca-list] Wanting to move back to Linux,
Devin Prater
- Re: [orca-list] Wanting to move back to Linux,
Will Estes
- Re: [orca-list] Wanting to move back to Linux,
Devin Prater
- Re: [orca-list] Wanting to move back to Linux,
Rynhardt Kruger
- Re: [orca-list] Wanting to move back to Linux,
Devin Prater
- Re: [orca-list] Wanting to move back to Linux,
- Re: [orca-list] Wanting to move back to Linux,
Jude DaShiell
- Re: [orca-list] Wanting to move back to Linux,
Jeffery Mewtamer
- Re: [orca-list] Wanting to move back to Linux,
Jason White
[orca-list] Reading kindle content on Linux using orca,
[orca-list] Importing podcast feeds,
Michael Weaver
[orca-list] Chrome is silent on Archlinux,
Edhoari Setiyoso
[orca-list] Chromium not working in arch and another issue.,
Matthew Dyer
[orca-list] Duplicate orca setting to another computer,
Edhoari Setiyoso
[orca-list] solus budgey install,
Jude DaShiell
[orca-list] solus budgey uninstallable,
Jude DaShiell
[orca-list] old ipod nano 2 gen,
mattias jonsson
[orca-list] Orca and Solus,
Michael Weaver
[orca-list] solus linux budgie,
Jude DaShiell
[orca-list] A website crashes Chrome-based browsers and Orca all at once,
[orca-list] Ubuntu mate installation work around,
Guy Schlosser
[orca-list] Orca began having trouble to read the contents of number spin buttons in recent releases of Brave and Chromium (forwarded message),
Didier Spaier
[orca-list] Issues using input methods in Orca (forwarded message),
Didier Spaier
[orca-list] Orca keyboard problem,
Vojtech Å¡miro
[orca-list] Installing Ubuntu mate 20.10 with orca,
Guy Schlosser
[orca-list] Can I tell if I'm muted in Zoom for Linux?,
John G. Heim
[orca-list] Contracted braille problem,
payman shaykhmehdi
[orca-list] how to use Orca with VSCode for git commands,
kk's Programming Hub
Re: [orca-list] Solus and Orca,
Michael Weaver
[orca-list] Orca-f changed in master--Did I miss the memo?,
Janina Sajka
[orca-list] finding text on a web page,
Rob Hudson
[orca-list] Debugging Webbrowsing,
Elias Oltmanns
[orca-list] How to copy pieces of text from a gnome-terminal window,
Christophe Delaunay
[orca-list] What is the state of audio recording on Lynnox using orca?,
Re: [orca-list] Orca unable to respond appropriately after closing Chromium under MATE desktop,
Jason White
[orca-list] GTK 4 progress?,
Lukáš Tyrychtr
[orca-list] Orca stuck in a loop with Chrome,
Edhoari Setiyoso
[orca-list] message about my Orca list membership being disabled: is it real,
Al Sten-Clanton
Re: [orca-list] how to set the dynamic column header row in google sheet with Orca?,
bittukumar jaiswal
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