Re: [orca-list] orca and remote desktop connection

For now I'm disabling orca, but that's bad because if I get any notification on the host machine I won't be informed. It seems to me that the ideal would be to implement the ticket reported at
On 5/20/22 17:27, Kyle wrote:
I think Orca will always intercept its keybindings, even in a virtual machine or remote desktop, unless you run a virtual machine in full-screen mode. This would apply to any remote desktop or virtual machine software, since it's just another application to Orca. I see two ways around this. One way would be to stop orca while you're using remmina and restart it once you disconnect or close it, and the other would be to open Orca's preferences using capslock+control+space with remmina open and just clear out all the keybindings there. This would keep Orca from intercepting any keys while remmina is open. The only problem I see with that approach is that you can't clear out the orca keybinding itself, so your keys may not work in the remote desktop's screen reader, since it won't see that you pressed the capslock key most likely.

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